So as the first day of 2010 begins and I reach the half point of my thirtieth year, I begin my foray into the blog-o-sphere with some drawings, paintings and eventually some writing.
The first drawing is one of several I did of the characters Edward Cullen and Bella from the Twilight movies that I did for my niece as a Christmas present.
Blue pencil on layout paper.
The second image is of myself (believe it or not), well at least it's based on a photo of myself. The image is basically my interpretation of a mermaid that I did for a class assignment.
Photoshop and Painter.

This was a fun piece to do, a painting of a bird that has a house for a head!
Watercolour and gouache on board

And now for something different, a concept piece I did for my Illustration class of a creature with the combined traits of a horse, a lion and a goat.
Photoshop and Painter.